Cadillac Limo Sales, Cadillac Limousines

Cadillac limo for sale guide. Below you can find our available information as well as guides, pictures, advice, chatter, and more all related to Cadillac limo sales. Are you looking to Buy A Cadillac Limousine ?. Perhaps you need to Sell A Cadillac Limousine?. Regardless of whether you are in the market to buy or sell, we can show you where to do both and get the most bang for your buck! We can help guide you to the right places to go when buying and selling a Cadillac limo.

Cadillac Limo Images, Photos of Cadillac limousines

Cadillac Limo For Sale Guides, Guide To Cadillac Limousines

Cadillac is one of several companies that is currently owned by the General Motors Company or as many people call it GM. Caddilac was started by Henry Leland who named the company after his ancestor who was the founder of Detroit. Caddilac was purchased by GM in 1909. Cadillacs are often described as the premier luxury automotive. The symbol which is still used to this day is the Cadillac family coat of arms.