Maybach Limo Sales, Maybach Limousines

Maybach limo for sale guide. Below you can find our available information as well as guides, pictures, advice, chatter, and more all related to Maybach limo sales. Are you looking to Buy A Maybach Limousine ?. Perhaps you need to Sell A Maybach Limousine?. Regardless of whether you are in the market to buy or sell, we can show you where to do both and get the most bang for your buck! We can help guide you to the right places to go when buying and selling a Maybach limo.

Maybach Limo Images, Photos of Maybach limousines

Maybach Limo For Sale Guides, Guide To Maybach Limousines

Maybach was founded in 1909 by Wilhelm Maybach and his son Karl in Germany. The company originally produced engines for Zeppelins. They also manufactured planes and train cars. The planes were used during the first World War. They built their first car in 1919 and it was introduced two years later at the British Motor show. By World War II the Maybach company had begun producing tanks and self propelled guns. During the war they halted all other automotive production. The next Maybach car was not manufactured till 20 years after the was was over. They Maybach company is currently owned by Mercedes-Benz.