Lotus Limo Sales, Lotus Limousines

Lotus limo for sale guide. Below you can find our available information as well as guides, pictures, advice, chatter, and more all related to Lotus limo sales. Are you looking to Buy A Lotus Limousine ?. Perhaps you need to Sell A Lotus Limousine?. Regardless of whether you are in the market to buy or sell, we can show you where to do both and get the most bang for your buck! We can help guide you to the right places to go when buying and selling a Lotus limo.

Lotus Limo Images, Photos of Lotus limousines

Lotus Limo For Sale Guides, Guide To Lotus Limousines

Lotus Cars was founded in 1952 by Colin Chapman. It is a British manufacturer of sports and racing cars. The original Lotus factory was ran in a old stable in North London. The Lotus Group was formed in 1959. It was composed of Lotus Cars and Lotus Components. The Company was eventually bought out by General Motors in 1986 than again in 1993 by Bugatti. Lotus is still a top manufacturer in Formula One race cars.